ASK Newsletter
v. 1-5; Apr. 1964-Feb. 1968//
Vancouver, Association for Social Knowledge. Monthly.
"An organization to promote a greater understanding and acceptance of the sexual variant as a human being."
Canada's first periodical devoted to gay liberation.
MICROFILM 1 reel $250.00
Chicago Outlines.
v. 1- June 4, 1987-
Chicago. Weekly, monthly.
"The voice of the gay and lesbian community."
Title varies: Chicago Outlines.
On microfilm: v. 1-10; June 4, 1987-May 1997
MICROFILM 11 reels $2713.00
Gay Life
v. 1-11, no. 31/32; June 20, 1975-Jan. 30, 1986//
"The midwest gay weekly."
Supplements include: Escape (for Wisconsin), and Sister spirit.
Documents the beginning of the AIDS crisis as it affected the gay community in Chicago and the midwest.
MICROFILM 11 reels $2713.00
Windy City Times
v. 1- Sept. 26, 1985-
Chicago, weekly.
"Chicago's gay and lesbian newsweekly."
Filmed from issues in the Founders Library, Northern Illinois University.
On microfilm: v. 1-16, no. 52; Sept. 26, 1985-Sept. 12, 2001 except v. 15, no. 46-52
MICROFILM 30 reels (v. 1-16) $7490.00
The Body Politic
no. 1-135; Nov./Dec. 1971-Feb. 1987//
Toronto, monthly.
Subtitle varies: "A newspaper for gay liberation," "A magazine for lesbian and gay liberation."
For fifteen years the Body Politic was the paper of record for Canada's gay and lesbian community and had a considerable readership outside the country as well. The paper's censorship battles in Canadian courts made it front page news on and off over a five year period (see Globe and mail, Dec. 22, 1986 and Now magazine, Jan. 8, 1987).
Jane Rule, the novelist, contributed a regular column.
MICROFILM 12 reels $3096.00
Long Time Coming
v. 1-3, no. 4; July 1973-Apr./May 1976//
Subtitle varies: Canada's first lesbian paper; Canadian lesbian-feminist newspaper.
Photographed from original issues in the Canadian Gay Archives.
MICROFILM 1 reel $253.00
Now [magazine]
under Art/Architecture/Popular culture
GSN [Gay Studies Newsletter]
v. 1-16, no. 1; Apr. 1974-Mar. 1989//
Toronto [etc.]
"Published by the Gay Caucus for the Modern Languages, an allied organization of the Modern Language Association."
Superseded by Lesbian and Gay Studies Newsletter.
MICROFILM 1 reel $253.00
Pink Ink
v. 1, no. 1-5; July 1983-Dec. l983/Jan. 1984//
"The monthly magazine for lesbian/gay liberation."
August 1983 issues includes interviews with Marie-Claire Blais and Mary Meigs.
MICROFILM 1 reel $253.00
v. 1-8; May 1984-Jan./Feb. 1992//
Toronto, monthly.
"Dedicated to feminism, progressive social change, and the liberation of lesbians and gay men."
Jane Rule (Oct. 1985 issue), Dennis Cooper (Summer 1991) and Svend Robinson (June 1986) are among those interviewed.
Indexed in the Alternative Press Index.
MICROFILM 2 reels $486.00
no. 1- ; Mar. 3, 1984-2015//
Toronto, Pink Triangle Press.
"Toronto's lesbian and gay biweekly."
Since the demise of The Body politic, Xtra! has become the chief paper of record for Canada's lesbian and gay communities. Includes the annual literary supplement, Church-Wellesley Review when included with issue.
Back Run (1984-2015) 28 reels $6690.00
Xtra! West
no. 1- ; Aug. 27, 1993-
"Vancouver's gay and lesbian biweekly."
Vol. l, no. l predated by Preview issue, July 30, 1993.
Back run (1993-97) 4 reels $932.00
Capital Xtra!
no. 1- ; Sept. 24, 1993-
"Ottawa's lesbian and gay monthly."
Back run (1993-1997) 2 reels $466.00